Tribord Easybreath Snorkeling Mask
>> Tuesday, June 28, 2016 –
Easybreath mask,
Here's what your kids need to experience full snorkeling fun: Tribord masks!
The masks come in four sizes (XS, S/M, M/L, L/XL) and three colors.
Here's a guide on how to get the right size to fit your face.
There are imitation easybreath masks now and I have not tried them so I cannot say whether they're a good replacement or not. But from the reviews, I heard that the imitations fog easily. Not something you'd want to worry about once you or your kids are already in the water.
The Tribord masks cost P3,500 here in the Philipines. We got ours through a seller we met at OLX. You may also order online through Amazon.
Unlike the traditional Snorkeling Mask and spout, this one is very easy for the kids to use since they can breathe through their nose while underwater. On top of that, the breathing tube has an automatic shut-off function so that water will not go inside in case you dip your head too low. Of course, needless to say, the mask will give you a better view of the sea with the 180 degrees visibility screen.
I am very grateful my friend recommended that mask to me because it gave my 8-year old son the confidence and motivation to snorkel without worrying about the technicalities of breathing through your mouth. Given the compressed air inside the mask, it will also give your head a certain level of buoyancy. When my husband and I use the mask (yes, they have adult sizes too!), we don't even use life vests anymore. Although I don't recommend doing that when you're swimming with the kids as it can get tiring to keep on paddling to stay afloat.
The masks come in four sizes (XS, S/M, M/L, L/XL) and three colors.
Here's a guide on how to get the right size to fit your face.
There are imitation easybreath masks now and I have not tried them so I cannot say whether they're a good replacement or not. But from the reviews, I heard that the imitations fog easily. Not something you'd want to worry about once you or your kids are already in the water.
The Tribord masks cost P3,500 here in the Philipines. We got ours through a seller we met at OLX. You may also order online through Amazon.