From Our Gingerbread House to Yours

 Merry Christmas from our tiny Gingerbread house to yours!

Christmas Comfort Food

I woke up feeling happy today. I got to the office earlier than usual and decided to get my daily dose of Chai Tea Latte from the nearby coffee shop.  As I was walking down the street,  i began to notice the warm sun and the soft cool breeze that filled the air. It's my kind of weather.  In that quick 15-minute trip, i felt the holiday spirit kick in. As i held on to the comfort of that warm tea latte, it started to feel a lot like Christmas!

Together with my long love affair with the Chai Tea latte, i have found a new love to pair it with. Pili Biscotti!

My brother-in-law gave them to me over a month ago. It looked like toasted bread with pili so i was initially not as excited as i probably should be. I tasted it and knew that i have found my newest comfort food. I always pair it with a cup of Chai or coffee. I am not a coffee drinker but the newly discovered coffee-biscotti partnership is too good to pass.

The Biscotti itself is a already a little bit sweet. The added taste of the slightly bitter coffee blends well into the toast.  

Being the health nut that i am, i was pleased to discover that Pili Nuts have a whole range of benefits. Pili nuts contain:
  • All 8 essential amino acids which have been found to support healthy blood sugar levels, development of muscle tissue, hormone production, energy regulation,  healthy bones and skin, brain balance, liver detoxification, and neve cell health.
  • Bio-available minerals, including the highest magnesium content of any nut.  Magnesium helps support healthy nerves, muscles and bones.
  • More Vitamin E than any other nut which supports healthy skin, immune function, and protection against various diseases due to its antioxidant qualities. Vitamin E also protects against cholesterol turning into plaque, thus helping prevent cardiovascular and thrombotic disease.
My newfound Biscotti love is from Sherry J. I love that it's packaged in a resealable bag...but then again, i almost always finish the entire bag at one sitting anyway :) 
Try it yourself and see what i'm talking about. You may order by calling 0917 5699616, 0922 8595176, 2549928 or go to their Facebook page by looking for Sherry J pastries & desserts.

Adversity Quotient: How Resilient is Your Child?

When i was young, the only quotient that i was familiar with was Intelligence Quotient (IQ). Then i got to college and found out that there is also such a thing as Emotional Quotient (EQ). A few months ago, i learned from finance expert, Ms. Rose Fausto, that we also need to be conscious of having a strong Financial Quotient (FQ). So many quotients to consider!  Well, there's a new quotient that i learned three weeks ago during our #BetterMe session with Coach Pia that i'd like to share with you. Adversity Quotient (AQ).

The net describes AQ as the most scientifically robust and widely used method in the world for measuring and strengthening human resilience.  During the recent tyhpoon that hit the Visayas region in the Philippines, one of the most frequently-used term to describe the Filipinos was "resilient". I look at the survivors and can truly say that most of them exhibit a very strong AQ. They are undefeated.  
photo from
How do we ensure that our children will have a strong AQ? Each time i look at my husband, i can feel that he is very emotionally and mentally strong. He can easily rank #1 in my list of friends and family with high AQ.

We touched on this topic during our last session with Coach Pia and i found it to be such an eye opener for me. Building our children's AQ means that we should not be overprotective of our children.  People who were NOT sheltered too much growing up will tend to have higher AQ.

One of the things that i've learned is not to over react when my child gets hurt. Sayang things like 'kawawa ka naman' lowers the child's resilience. He will grow up thinking everytime he gets hurt, he'll be 'kawawa'.  They will then start to develop self-pity and low self-esteem. The better response would be to check on the child and make sure he's okay. After the cut is attended to, then tell the child it will be fine and don't make a big deal out of it.

I am learning each day. There are days when i'm so tempted to say 'aww...' and over react when my child shows me his or her ouchy.  But then the principles of having High Adversity Quotient comes to mind and i stop myself from fawning over the child too much. Not to say i don't show concern but there is a better way of doing so without letting the child feel self-pity.

How about you? How high is your AQ? Having a strong self worth is also key to building your child's self esteem. Remember that our children looks at us and how resilient we are in times of difficulties. I am determined to be the best example for my children. I will show them that when times are hard, we should just shake it off and step up instead of wallowing in self-pity. As they say, when life throws you lemons, make lemonade.

Our talk that day was sponsored by Hewlet-Packard.  They talked about their new HP Deskjet Ink Advantage Printer series which i love! My favorite feature was how you can download an App on your smartphones or tablets and print remotely! I love all the arts and crafts project available in the App and even the reviewers that are excellent for our pre-schoolers who are learning to read and write. The good news is that HP Deskjet Ink Advantage Printers used to cost P4,990 but they recently brought down their prices to P3,545 only! It's an excellent gift for the whole family. You still have 9 days before Christmas to rush to the stores and buy them for your family!

Smart Plugs

During the holiday season, fire safety is often a concern.  With all the Christmas lights and additional electrical usage, more caution is definitely required to keep our homes safe.

A few months ago, one of my friends told me about Smart Plugs. It honestly took me a while to appreciate the concept since it looks just like a regular electrical outlet to me.  At first glance, i noticed that it uses USB sockets instead of the usual ones that we have been used to.  So i's true that a lot of gadgets come with USB cords these days, but my cynical mind questioned its value.  Why not just plug my USB cords into the power adaptors that come with it? It will charge my gadgets just the same anyway.  So I decided to do my own research. My findings scared me enough to ask my friend to install the Smart Plugs in our home. 

A year after i bought my first iPhone in 2008, the power adapter stopped working. The USB cord was fine but i had to purchase a new adapter otherwise I'll be left charging my iPhone through my Laptop all the time.  I initially thought of going the cheaper route of buying a generic power adapter. But my office mate told me how his generic charger eventually damaged the battery of his iPhone making its life shorter. So i decided to buy the original, though more expensive, adapter from Mac.  After my recent research, i felt relieved that i bought the original charger. Apparently, there have been cases of generic power adapters exploding and nearly burning the house down.
photo from
After further research, i later on learned that even original power adapters from reputable companies are not free from danger. These original power adapters have also been known to overheat to dangerous levels. In fact, Apple has recalled millions of iPhone 3G adapters in 2008 for similar reasons. 

All of these findings lead me to believe that the danger is really in the power adapter. So what's my solution then? Smart Plugs! Yes, i finally appreciated its function.  We had it installed and are now happily  charging without power adapters at home.  Installation is not too complicated. Ours took less than an hour to complete.  I still keep the power adapters for traveling, but I can rest easier knowing that  our family is safe from the risk of shock hazards that power adapters bring. 

Smart Plugs come in four styles (see picture below).  We had the FU-A25C installed near our bedside table.  It comes with an electrical socket that we use to plug our table lamp and two USB chargers to plug in my iPhone and Blackberry. Just perfect for a two-gadget gal like me.
I encourage you to try it out. It's also good to install the purely USB plugs in your child's bedroom or play area so that there is no danger of them touching an open electrical outlet. 

Order your Smart Plugs today! Check out the contact details below.

RCC Solutions Inc.
      +63 2 717-0877 / +63 2 577-6689
📠       +63 2 621-7465
📱       +63 917 598-6275 / +63 922 813-4671

DIY Gingerbread Man

Christmas is fast approaching. Last week i was searching for Christmas gift ideas and came across some Gingerbread kits from Sugar and Spice Houses. I ordered the Gingerbread Man and Gingerbread House kits and decided to road test them with our family.

For this post, I'd like to share with you our experience with the Gingerbread Man. The House is a work-in-progress as it's a bit harder to do. I'll share that experience in a separate post.

The Gingerbread Man arrived in a gold box with red ribbons and a card. Ready to be given as a gift!
The Box contained 1 gingerbread man and 3 packs of colored icing (Red, Green and White). It also includes a pack of chocolate candies to be used as added designs.
So we got to work and helped the kids decorate the gingerbread. We gave them options on what color to use and how they'd want to design the gingerbread man. We basically just helped them make sure the icing won't spill out of the bag.
After about 20 minutes, we were done with our Gingerbread man! Looks like the kids decided to give him eggs for shoes.  The kids were laughing so hard at how their gingerbread man turned out. It's not the most perfect gingerbread man but i think he's adorable.
It was a fun family activity and we enjoyed eating the cookie after wards. The kids felt like giants eating the head, arms, and legs of the gingerbread man.

I ordered this from Sheila Deterala of Sugar and Spice Houses. You may email her at if you wish to order.

Merry Christmas!

How to Prepare for Your Photo Shoot

I love taking pictures of my family!  The thing is, since i am the designated photographer, i noticed that we seldom get good family pictures. Most of the good shots are of the kids, or Dens and the kids, but seldom one that includes me.  So when The Picture Company offered the SoMoms a photo session with our respective families, i did not hesitate. 

As soon as i booked our session with them, i was contacted by our would-be photographer, Crystal Whang, from their Rockwell branch. She asked me questions about our family - from our hobbies to our personalities. It was a fun preparation for the shoot. Crystal also sent me some pictures and color schemes to choose from so that we can prepare well and ensure that our outfits do not clash with each other.

I did my own preparation and laid out our outfits on the bed the night before. This is to see how well they will turn out in the photos.
I also made sure that our photo shoot is scheduled at a time when the kids are neither sleepy nor hungry. This will help them be more cooperative during the shoot. 

We got there 15 minutes before our scheduled time. This helps get the kids more acquainted with the place and the photographer.
We bumped into Conci ( and her entire closet!!! (talbog ako sa outfit preparations mo, Conci!)
Mac desktops where you can view your pictures immediately after your shoot
The shoot was fun. My son was very cooperative but my daughter was not smiling naturally during our family portraits! Crystal would make her laugh then she'd revert to her awkward smile once again.  Sometimes we'd have good pictures of her laughing but Troy would be looking somewhere else.  It's a bit of a challenge taking pictures of multiple kids.  Amidst all that, we were not stressed at all.  It was a conscious decision to just have fun and roll with it!  We were all laughing at various silly poses that the kids wanted to do. I love that Crystal was also laughing and having fun with us. There was a time when Crystal couldn't take the shot anymore because she kept on laughing at Troy who wanted to pose like an old man!

After selecting your pictures, you can order Christmas cards like the one below. It's a great way to capture multiple photos on one page. You can send these to friends and relatives abroad who do not see your children so often.
The Christmas package also comes with a gift card that you can use as gift tags! See ours below.
The good news is that you can also have you family pictures taken for FREE! Just print or take a screen shot of the coupon below and schedule an appointment with any Picture Company branch (contact details below). This promo is valid until December 15, 2013 only.
Power Plant Mall - 898 2657, Greenbelt 5 - 756 0020,  Bonifacio High Street - 856 1232, 
The Podium - 634 2632, Alabang Town Center - 809 7370, SM Mall of Asia - 556 0165, 
SM North 351 6184, Ayala Center Cebu (032) 268 2241

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Our kids are more intuitive than we give them credit for. With all the things they see on the news regarding the recent events concerning Typhoon Yolanda, how we address their questions is very important as well. For my kids, i want them to learn empathy while also making sure that they do not develop a fear of storms. I don't think we can shield them from knowing what is happening in the world but we can take part in teaching them how to react to these situations. 

Last December 1, Make Believe Productions partnered with Fully Booked to create an event especially designed to teach children how to take part in relief efforts and also express love and compassion to other people.  

If you missed the first event, you may still sign up for the upcoming December 8 event at the Children's Section of Fully Booked Bonifacio High Street. There will be an interactive story telling by the Make Believe storytellers, a short discussion and sharing of the calamity, and other educational art activities for the kids.

You will need to send an email to Nini Torres ( if you would like to join the December 8 activity. Please refer to the poster below for the event details.

The Lollipop Bait

My cousin shared this video with me a few weeks ago. I had goosebumps watching it but I think it's a very important reminder to all parents especially during this busy holiday season when all the malls are extra crowded.

Let's all have a safe Christmas season.

Mabuhay Filipinos!

Two days ago, i took a day off from work and spent some time helping out at Villamor Air base. Villamor is the home and headquarters of the Philippine Air Force. Since the typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) hit the Philippines over a week ago, the Philippine Air Force and their wives have organized relief efforts for the survivors from Tacloban and other parts of Leyte who continue to arrive at the base through the C-130 rescue planes.

I witnessed people from different walks of life, of different races and religion,  come together for the common goal of helping in every way they can.  Businessmen carrying old people in wheelchairs, teenagers running to look for slippers for the kids, big armed men carrying tiny babies wrapped in blankets, pilots still in uniform serving meals to the survivors. The outpouring of support was just overwhelming. I saw the volunteers and i coud not help but cry. I felt proud to be part of the Filipino community. For the first time in  a really really long while, I realized that we are still raising our children in a world full of love. A world that hopes with us for the day when there will be peace and unity once again. 

Hangar at Villamor
I leave you with Anderson Cooper's reporter's notebook about the Filipino's resilience.  That is indeed what we also witnessed as we counseled the survivors last Tuesday. Mabuhay Filipinos! Stand proud.

The First Time I Met My Children

Do you still remember the first time you  met your children? I do. It was very different for all three of them. I'd like to share my story with you.

I still vividly remember the first time I was about to meet Tyler. I was filled with anxieties since i was already told that he had paralysis on the left side of his face. Fears of not being able to accept his deficiencies troubled me as i slowly entered the NICU. The moment i laid my eyes on him, i thought to myself "He's perfect". I felt that he was the most beautiful baby i have ever seen. After that initial impression, thoughts of his condition started to sink in. And i broke down in that NICU. It was the day we were checking out of the hospital. I cried all the way home wondering how many days his crib will remain empty.  I knew nothing then of what lied ahead of us in the coming months.

My pregnancy with Troy was the most joyful one. I had very little morning sickness and i was happy most of the time. We prayed for a little boy.  More than the blue-decorated nursery in our house, I knew that since we lost Tyler, there is that longing in my heart to be a mother to a healthy baby boy. God saw my heart and answered our prayers. I felt very connected with Troy during my pregnancy. I would talk to him and read stories to him. I already 'knew' him even before he was born. Then March 7 came and i gave birth to Troy. Dens wheeled me to the nursery, 24 hours post surgery, to breastfeed Troy.  I was about to meet him for the first time (save for those few glimpses that i had in the operating room).  I excitedly waited in the breastfeeding room for him. It felt like meeting Dens again for the first time after over a month of talking daily over the phone (but that's another story). I wondered how he looked like and how he would react to me. Then the nurse came in with Troy.  He was bundled in a light blue blanket and was handed over to me. I carried him and looked at him. My first thought was 'Oh wow, he's so beautiful.' I also remember thinking how he amazingly looks so much like Tyler.  I kept looking at him and cannot seem to fathom that this perfect little baby that i am carrying is my own.  Then i started to struggle with the concept of motherhood. What was i supposed to say to him now?  What do i do with him?  It was a concept i cannot seem to  immediately grasp. I felt disconnected somehow. It did truly feel like the first time i met Dens in person. There was a brief moment of awkwardness even though we were already so close over the phone. But just like that, the awkward feeling immediately went away. Tears started to form as i  continued to look at this baby who also stared back at me. He is so healthy. He is my child.  I held him tighter and i felt my heart swell with so much love and pride. I was filled with gratitude for this gift of life. I was officially a mom again.

Dawn came three years later.  During my pregnancy, I often felt tired and i hardly had the chance to read stories to Dawn. I was also busy doing my online shopping for girls' clothes and conducting surveys for girls' names more than anything. I was just excited to have a girl added to our small family.  The day after I gave birth to Dawn was the first time I was to meet her in person. I found myself waiting excitedly in that same breastfeeding room once again. I looked around the room and saw the familiar breastfeeding pumps and storage bags. They did not feel foreign anymore. I felt more at ease. Then the nurse came in with this tiny baby wrapped in a baby pink blanket.  And it felt different the this time. Even though i did not feel any connection during pregnancy, i somehow immediately felt drawn to her the moment i laid my eyes on her.  One look at her and i knew she was my child. My first thought was "She's so pretty!" I couldn't believe a baby can already look gender-specific. She truly looked like a girl.  I looked at her and i felt complete. She was another answer to my prayers. Another prophecy fulfilled. I was just amazed.

Meeting our children for the first time can come in different forms. Some of you may feel that instant connection like i did with Dawn, while others may also struggle with the idea of mothering a child like i did with Troy. Regardless of how your first meeting will become, one thing is certain.  It will all lead to this feeling of pure and unconditional love.  A love so fierce that overwhelms you.  And from that moment on,  you will stay in love forever. 

Protect Your Stem Cells with Mustela

Just when you think Mustela is already the holy grail for all baby products, it just got even better! They now have a new formulation that protects the stem cells of the skin. Yes, stem cells!

Stem cells are really popular these days.  I'm sure most of us have heard of the wonderful benefits of stem cells these days. But what exactly is a stem cell? I did a little bit of research and found that stem cells are actually a reserve cell with the capacity to grow and multiply to replace dead or damaged adult cells. Some, but not all, organs and tissues in the body have a supply of stem cells. Skin is one organ that contains stem cells. Skin wounds are repaired by skin stem cells so it is very vital to retain them in our skin.

Two weeks ago i attended Mustela's launch for the reformulation of the Mustela Bebe line.  During the event, i learned that a newborn's skin contains a rich cellular reserve of stem cells at its highest potential. The problem is that this remains extremely vulnerable during the first few years of life while our skin's barriers are still being formed (usually until the age of 2).

The good news is that Mustela's new active ingredient, Avocado Perseose, supports the development of the barrier function and more importantly, protects the stem cells in the baby's skin. Once safely preserved, the original stem cells can continue to play its role of restoring and maintatining the skin throughout life.  
Mustela event held at the 2nd floor of Stacy's at BGC

Van Santos of Seek the Uniq hosted the event

Sharlene of Mustela Philippines talked about the new ingredient in Mustela Bebe

Cute table setting with Mustela borchures and the signature Stacy's colored mallows and popcorns

Cai of applesanddumplings, Tita K of LiveLoveLolz, Jen of Attachedatthehip, Eli of ThePaintersWife, me, Jen of MyMommyology

Yes, Mustela is from France, Tita K!
This new ingredient is available across all products in the Mustela Bebe line. Since my previous blogs on the Mustela products that our family has been using (Read about it herehere, and here), i have found more products that our family is now using.

1. Baby Shampoo

With my 2-year old's growing hair, i found it important to use shampoo now instead of just using soap all over. The shampoo makes her hair soft and more tangle-free.

2.   2 in 1  Hair and Body

This was actualy recommended to me by the Mustela sales assistant in their Glorietta 4 branch. The smell lasts longer than the other Mustela washes so this is just perfect for my very active 5-year old. I like that his hair still smells nice after the end of a very busy day.

3.  Facial cleansing cloths

I found this to be particularly useful for my daughter who loves to thumbsuck. i use this to regularly clean her hands while we're out of the house. I like that i can trust Mustela's ingredients and not worry that the wipes i am using contains harmful ingredients that my daughter may ingest.
4.   Agua De Colognia

Try it and you'll understand why our family loves it!

5.  Cold Cream

Tammy Tancinco of Mustela Philippines gave this to me as a gift after our trip to Korea during the winter. My husband's elbows were peeling and very dry so he decided to test this. We're very happy with the results and Dens' elbows have significantly improved. This is also very good to bring during your winter holidays where lips and skin become extremely dry. Great for the whole family.

So what are you waiting for? Rush to the nearest Mustela branch and start protecting your baby's stem cells!

Mustela is avaiable at the following locations:

Ayala Trinoma, 1st level (beside Mary Grace Cafe)
Robinsons Manila, 1st level Midtown wing (beside Topshop)
Glorietta 4, 3rd level (in front of Gourdo's and Play & Display)
Shangri-la Mall, 4th level (in front of Mothercare)
Megamall A, 2nd level (in front of Esprit)
Greenhills Shopping Center, The Shops, 1st level (in front of Watson's and Mary Grace)
Alabang Town Center, Upper Ground Floor, Connector Mall (in front of K & C Company)
SM Mall of Asia, 2nd level, Main Mall (near Osh Kosh and Periwinkle)

All Rustans Department Stores
All Landmarke Department Stores
Mothercare, Nationwide
PureBeauty, 2nd Floor Serendra, BGC and Harbor Point, Subic
Medela House, New Manila, QC
Chimes Specialty Store, Davao City
Mutela Hotline 0917 895 9988
Facebook: Mustela Philippines

Mommy Mundo Bazaar at the Rockwell Tent + a P45,000 TwoTots Giveaway

Where will you be this weekend? Don't miss this year's Mommy Mundo Bazaar at the Rockwell Tent! It's happening this Sunday (November 10) and yet again on December 8. The bazaar will be open from 10am to 8pm so you have more than enough time to shop to your hearts' content!
Here is a list of this year's tentants:
There's also an ongoing giveaway by TwoTots. Check out how to earn as many raffle entries by visiting the Mommy Mundo site. This is the biggest Mommy Mundo giveaway to date!  
See you at the Bazaar this Sunday!

Caudalie Giveaway Winner!

Congratulations, Donna Ocon-Juezan! You are the winner of the Caudalie Foaming Facial Wash. Please check your inbox for my email so that we may coordinate on the delivery of the prize.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Detox in a Bottle (Day 2)

I am on Day 2 of my Juice cleanse. So far so good. Day 1 had it's good and bad moments but they're mostly good.  Unlike the previous cleanses that i did which were sheer torture, Detox in a Bottle was pretty enjoyable. I looked forward to my drinks and it didn't really make me so hungry that i can't get through it anymore.

I found that sleeping early (like 9pm!) helped me get over the hunger pangs and cravings. I would usually wake up again after putting the kids to sleep but last night, i just slept through the night with them. I had to wake up twice during the night to pee - something that i almost never do. Maybe that's the effect of my body detoxifying itself. I woke up at 6 in the morning and weighed myself. I didn't really lose much weight but my clothes fit better today. I'm pretty sure i lost an inch here and there.
Day 2's menu looked exactly like Day 1 except for lunch. I had Cream of Roasted Veggies today. It was also very good. Creamy yet it's non-dairy. I preferred Day 1's soup though.

Since Day 2's drinks are practically like Day 1, i didn't bother to take pictures anymore. My all-time favorite would still be the 10am Chili Lemonade followed by the 8am Energy Blast. The Kidney Cleanse didn't taste as bad today maybe because i was already half expecting it to taste awful.  I just followed the not-so-tasty drinks with a cup of organic peppermint tea to wash out the after taste.

I decided not to proceed with Day 3 because i have dinner plans with friends tomorrow night. And honestly, the smell of Boy Bawang has been haunting me since yesterday.  I think this is the best detox program that i have tried to date. I can continue with my regular work and exercise schedule without difficulty. You don't need to be near a bathroom like the other detox programs recommend. You may pee more than usual but that's just about. Everything else is 'business as usual'.

There are two kinds of detox programs under this brand. There is the Cleanse formula (P2,000 per day) and the Weightloss formula (P2,500 per day). I initially wanted to try the Cleanse formula since i honestly wasn't focused on losing weight. But i was told that they are essentially the same ingredients except that the Weightloss formula was just more potent. This means that if you're after a thorough cleanse, the Weightloss formula would still be your best bet. 

I hope to do this regularly from now on. But we'll see...Christmas is just around the corner so holiday meals abound. I will need to gain more will power the 2nd time around.

You may contact Nikki from Detox in a Bottle at 966 3393 or if you'd like to order.  You They will deliver the bottles to you the day before your cleanse day.

Enjoy and tell me about your experience too, okay?


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