Showing posts with label eggs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eggs. Show all posts

5 Ways to Cook the Perfect Egg

In our continuous quest for the perfect Sunday breakfast at home, my husband and I have been in a competitive streak on finding the best way to cook an egg. I posted this video a couple of weeks ago and have yet to try some of the tricks there. The other night, I found my husband reviewing this other video and testing out the scrambled eggs last Sunday. I will save the video he was watching here as my reference for the next breakfast showdown. Let's do this!


10 Creative Recipes Using Just An Egg

Every Sunday is a cookfest in our home.  Since the start of the year, Dennis and I have created a new tradition with our children. The men and the ladies would alternately cook breakfast every Sunday morning. This means that one some Sundays, Dens and my 8-year old son would wake up extra early on Sundays to prepare breakfast for the family. On other Sundays, my 5-year old daughter and me would do it.  Three months or 12 Sundays later, I am running out of ideas.
So the past week I did a little research and found a video that is just what I'm looking for. 10 ways to cook an egg! I love cooking eggs for breakfast because it's (1) nutritious, (2) almost always available at home, (3) easy to cook most of the time.
Check out this fun video.  Forgive the coarse language and enjoy!


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