I have been a fan of Mustela since 2011. I first heard about the brand when my good friend Tammy Tancinco told me about a product they were bringing to the Philipines while I was still pregnant with Dawn. I don't remember being that excited about the product at that time. You see, I have not yet experienced the magic of Mustela then. It was just another baby brand to me.
Fast forward to 2015 and I am now a big believer. It has helped Dawn with her eczema-prone skin (read about it
here) and I am happy to report that Dawn has been eczema-free since then. We have already moved from the Stelatopia line, which is best for eczema, to the regular Mustela Bebe line when Dawn turned one. Last month, we were re-introduced to our much loved Stelatopia. Let me tell you why.

After our recent trip to Hawaii, Troy has been complaining that his skin has been very itchy. I figured that this was due to severe dry skin. Aside from being under the sun for long periods of time during our trip, Troy also loves taking showers multiple times a day. He takes after his father and cannot sleep without taking a bath. He showers at least twice on a regular day. While it's nice that he's always clean, it has taken a toll on his skin. We've tried regular lotions but none worked for him. Then I remembered Stelatopia. And that was how Stelatopia was re-introduced to our family. I am happy to report that Troy has been itch-free immediately a day after showering with the Stelatopia Cleansing Cream. He has also been using the Emollient Cream as his lotion on a daily basis. Yes, Mustela, you did it again!
Our family has been a fan of Mustela ever since. You can read about our experiences in previous posts
here and
here .
Note: I have noticed that I have written so many posts on Mustela through the years. Please note that these are not sponsored posts nor am I a paid endorser. I just really love how effective the products are and want to share the same with all of you!