Showing posts with label program. Show all posts
Showing posts with label program. Show all posts

Detox in a Bottle (Day 1)

I am doing my first juice cleanse today. I have done a few cleanses in the past and all of them were very unpleasant! Since then, i have been pretty averse to detox programs. Then a few weeks ago, i chanced upon Detox in a Bottle. As i learned more about their program, i was more and more inclined to give it a shot.

Here are my reasons why i chose this over other detox programs:

1. The drinks are forumlated by a US Certified Fitness Nutritionist, Nadine Tengco. I like that it's not just some random person who discovered the wonders of his or her new juicer and wants to start earning from it.

2. It includes a bowl of savory soup for lunch! When i did a 3-day detox in the past, it was all sweet. There was nothing to break the taste and it just made me crave for something salty towards the end of the day.

3. It's nicely packed. When the bottles aren't delivered clean and well packed, it makes you wonder about the cleanliness of the kitchen were the concotions are prepared.
You can do a 1, 2, or 3-day cleanse depending on your fitness goal and lifestyle.

1 day cleanse - if you have no previous experience with fasting.  This is good  for those who just wants a beauty boost and do not have time for a longer cleanse.
2-3 days cleanse - you already had some experience in cleansing and fasting and you need to make a bigger change
I decided to commit to a 2-day cleanse first and decide later on if i want to continue to do day 3.

So here we go. I am now on my 2nd juice and i will write down my thoughts and feedback as i go along with this cleanse.
On my way to work, i finished a bottle of water.  When i got to the office around 7:40am, i was not feeling hungry but the thought of doing detox was making me more conscious about the 'meals' that i was to take for the day.

At 8am sharp, i downed my first bottle. It's called the Energy Blast and it tasted like banana smothie. Not bad at all. I would even order this at Jonah's Boracay if they have it there.   
It's now 10:15am and i just finished Bottle #2. It's called the Chili Lemonade and i love it! It comes with a pack of ground flaxseed that you need to mix into the drink I love ginger so i like the 'chiliness' of this drink.   
It's now 1:36pm - i just came back from one hour of yoga (yep, day 1 is pretty good. Doesn't drain your energey so i can still do my regular exercise routine). Starting to feel hungry now and i noticed that my senses are heightened. I can smell Boy Bawang from halfway across the room!

Lunch is Cream of zucchine and carrots soup. It's non-dairy but it's really creamy and tasty. The moment i tasted it, i immediately thought of asking if i can order soups from them regularly. Seriously, it's that good.
Now the papaya enzyme tablet (see the little white thing attached to the soup cover?) is something i was initially not so comfortable taking. I don't really like to take anything that looks like medicine. I did a little research and found out that it's actually good for digestion. I texted Nikki (niece of Nadine Tengco) and she said to just chew it. So i did. It actually tastes like Maalox or a better version of Kremil-S if you've tasted that before. I think it makes sense since it's an aid for gastric disturbances like its similar-tasting tablets.

It's almost 2pm and i'm supposed to take Bottle #3 "Kidney Cleanse" now. But since i took the soup later than scheduled, i decided to move up the 3rd bottle an hour later.  The instructions state that you need to 'feed yourself every 2 hours'.  I'm capping my lunch with some organic peppermint tea now. Yum!
3:26pm - Just took the Kidney Cleanse drink. It doesn't taste as good as the previous drinks and soup but it's not so bad. I had to also take an 8oz glass of water.  I used the same bottle and just filled it with water.  I estimate it should be approximately 8oz.
Time for more peppermint tea to wash away the after taste of the Kidney Cleanse drink. It tasted like veggie shake.
5:30pm - Bottle #4 "Liver Detox" doesn't taste good at all! I am starting to feel a little lightheaded and developed a moderate craving for real food. I don't know why but it feels very similar to my late afternoon queasiness during my pregnancies. The liver detox left a sour taste in my mouth that made me even more nauseous. I think i'm going to take a nap now.
6:45pm - Bottle #5 "Gingerade" is not so bad but i wouldn't order it in a restaurant like the other juices. I think after 4 bottles of juice, everything is just starting to taste the same. It's losing it's appeal and i'm craving for something to chew on.
8:30pm - Bottle #6 "Salad in a Bottle" taste just like that. Like lots and lots of veggies. It's very similar to the Kidney Cleanse drink somehow.

And that ends day 1. I am going to sleep earlier tonight to avoid late-night hunger. I already received my juice set for Day 2.  Will update you tomorrow.


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