Showing posts with label crayola. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crayola. Show all posts

Crayola and T-Pencils: Safe School Supplies (SSS)

Every parent is so worried about toxicity these days. Why not? It's constantly on the news the past years. From the paints used on imported toys to the chemicals that some plastic bottles emit. It's really a valid concern.

Two Saturdays ago, the SoMoms were invited to an art workshop at the Shangri-la branch of Gymboree. The event was orgaznized by the Amalgamated Specialties Corporation (Amspec), makers of Crayola products and T-Pencil.

As a child, I have witnessed classmates chew on pencils and crayons in class (true story!). It's weird but not uncommon for kids actually. They sometimes do it when they need to think or when they are stressed. Sometimes it can also be just out of curiousity.

Since i cannot monitor my children's activities 100% of the time, it's comforting for me to know that they're surrounded by products that are safe for them. During the event, i found out that Crayola and T-Pencils are 100% nontoxic

It was a fun event of storytelling, art, and play for the SoMoms and the SoKids. After the craft session, the kids were allowed to enjoy the play area in Gymboree while the parents chatted over the yummy merienda that was served.
Lion puppet from a paper plate
The smaller kids waiting for their turn to do the crafts
Mr Wood of Amspec talked about Crayola and T-Pencils

Training on shading techniques using T-Pencils
Even the moms enjoyed doing the crafts
SoMoms with the people from Amspec
Play it safe and make sure you get safe and nontoxic school supplies for your kids!

I end with these cute animations on how TPencils and Crayola crayons are made.

TPencils -
Crayola -


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