Are You an Ideal Mom? #KalidadNaAlaga

My kids have a thing about asking “Who do you love more?” questions.  These can range from “Who do you love more…Papa or me?” to “Mom, ask me who I love more…my pillow or you!” Of course the answers would always be safe and honest like “both of you, of course!” or “I super love you more than my pillow, mom!” (dapat lang, anak!)

Some nights ago, my 9-year old son and I were lying in bed having our usual pillow talk when he said “Do you know why I can never choose who I love more among you, papa, and Dawnie?” Then he goes on to give a special reason for each person like “I love Papa because he always plays with me and loves sleeping with me”….”I love Dawnie because she is so cute and I enjoy playing with her” and then he said “And I love you because I think you’re the kindest in our family” (whuuutt???) This caught me by surprise since I know I am not the kindest person especially when I am with my kids. I get angry at them, sometimes more than they deserve, when I get home tired and stressed from work.  I sometimes get too lazy to play with them when all I want is to just lie down and read a book before bedtime.

But my son saw my character glass half full. 

He talked about the many times I laughed with him even while we were reviewing a difficult lesson.  He reminisced about the time we played Marco Polo inside our bedroom and I fell off the bed trying to chase them. He saw the kindness in between my outbursts and loves me for those and more. 
Yesterday, I saw this Mothers’ Day video that was producedby Fern-C Kidz (which is an excellent non-acidic vitamin c for kids, by the way!). It interviewed some moms and asked them about how they view themselves as mothers. As a surprising contrast, the second half of the video was an interview of their children, showing the moms how their children see them.
I am not an ideal mother. I try my best to be, as most moms do.  But I also know that most moms feel that we often fall short of what, to us, is ideal. I love how one of the moms in the video said that it was very relieving to know that to our children, we are enough.  And I think that is indeed the reward of motherhood. When we become the mothers our children need in their lives, then we have done more than enough.  We can read all the parenting books in the world, but I am realizing more and more that the ultimate driver of successful parenting is simply love.  And if love is the only foundation that we need to be an ideal mom, now isn’t that an easy feat?

Winners of our 2017 Belo Baby Contest

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Belo Baby Contest. We have picked three winners through Rafflecopter today.

Congratulations, Arselyn de Guzman-Intoy, Annie Castillo and Melanie Pacer!
We shall contact you separately for the delivery of your prize.


Kicking Off 2017 with a Contest!

I cannot believe we're ending the first quarter of 2017 already and I have not written a single blog post. What can I say? Life got in the way.

Given that this is my first post for 2017, I want to talk about goals. Year after year, I'd write my goals and realized that they revolve around four basic categories. Whether it's devoting more quiet time with the Lord or achieving killer abs at the best budget possible. They generally fall under  Faith, FamilyHealth, & Finances.

A few weeks ago, I found out that Belo Baby will be celebrating its first birthday soon. I did not realize it has been a year since our family was first introduced to this natural local brand.  This lead me to look back to an old blog post about Belo Baby's product launch.  True enough, it has indeed been a year! I further realized, as I was reading my review from last year, that Belo Baby products actually support 3 out of my 4 general goals.

Family - while the product is intended to be used for Baby's delicate skin, my husband and I are also fans of their products, particularly the Belo Baby lotion. It's non-greasy and not heavily scented. Perfect to use before bedtime for the whole family.

Health - with the absence of harmful ingredients such as Parabens, Sulfates, Phthalates, and Tetrasodium EDTA, you can be sure that your skin is only absorbing ingredients that are good for your body, inside and out. Belo Baby uses 100% certified all natural ingredients which allows us moms to rest assured that we are not harming our family with the use of these products.

Finances - low price points for the win! Gone are the days when natural products are only available at high price points abroad. While I continue to purchase from a number of intentional brands, I also love that we now have a lot of options locally.  I particularly love supporting local brands with global standards at local, economic prices.

Now for the good news! Since Belo Baby is celebrating its first birthday, they have partnered with Breakfast with Tiffany to host a contest for our readers. We are keeping the contest mechanics really simple so that all of you can celebrate Belo Baby's birthday with us. With only two simple tasks, three of you can take home a pack of Belo Baby products (1 soap, 1 wash, 1 lotion).

1.  Like Belo Baby on Facebook (
2.  Like Breakfast With Tiffany on Facebook (

Confirm via Rafflecopter once you've liked both Facebook fan pages and you're all set! The contest will run from March 17 until the 23rd and we shall be announcing the winners on the 24th.

Do not forgot to check out their website and other social media accounts as well:
  • FB: belobabylove
  • Twitter: @belobabylove
  • IG: @belobabylove
Happy 1st Birthday, #BeloBaby

"Crafted with care for the most delicate skin, for the most meticulous moms."

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