Flowers from Two Gentlemen
>> Thursday, February 21, 2013 –
family activity,
valentines day
Dens has always given me flowers on Valentines' Day. He would always buy three bouquets on the special occassion. One for his mom, one for my mom, and one for me. It's been 13 years of the same routine that sometimes I forget to appreciate it as much as I should.
Yesterday when I got home, Troy excitedly ran to me and handed me his own 'bouquet'. His yaya said he got it from my mom's house earlier that day. He held on to it all day and didn't want to throw it out saying it was a surprise for me.
I am pretty sure Troy got the idea from the flowers Dens gave me. I love that he adores Dens and models after his father. I hope it stays that way for a long long time.
Dear Love,
I know you read my blog everyday so you will see this when you get to the office. Thank you for being a wonderful mentor and role model to Troy. I will be the happiest mother in the world if he grows up to be the kind of man that you are.
Excited to see you later,
**NOTE: i just realized that this is my 100th published blog post! Am happy that it's very meaningful to me.
Flowers from Dens |
Flowers from Troy. I placed it on the table together with the pearls that I was wearing yesterday and thought it looked picture-perfect together |
Dear Love,
I know you read my blog everyday so you will see this when you get to the office. Thank you for being a wonderful mentor and role model to Troy. I will be the happiest mother in the world if he grows up to be the kind of man that you are.
Excited to see you later,
**NOTE: i just realized that this is my 100th published blog post! Am happy that it's very meaningful to me.