Where Did My Social Life Go?

How important is our social lives as mums? Social life covers all relationships with peers including the time with your husband. One thing that I realized after attending the second New Beginnings parenting talk is that most mums tend to feel a void in their social life.  Do you ever find yourself reminiscing those carefree out-of-town trips with your friends or simply the relaxing time alone with your husband? Don’t feel guilty. You’re not alone.

Read the rest of the post at the New Beginnings Mum Blog. Click here [http://newbeginnings.com.ph/where-did-my-social-life-go]

Join other progressive moms at the New Beginnings Community on Facebook and Twitter (@NBMums).

Happy Blog Anniversary

I started blogging in 2007 after we lost our first baby Tyler. I decided to write about what we went through and all of God's wonderful blessings after that. My blog then was limited to family and friends since I did not think others will be interested in what I have to say if they do not know me personally.

Some speaking engagements later, I decided to 'go public' and share Tyler's testimony to others. I started this new blog in August of 2011 and shared our family's journey as they unfold. I blog because I want people to see that there is truly hope after a storm. I want people to see God's goodness and that our family's story did not end after losing Tyler. God has been wonderful and my heart overflows with gratitude.

I have received so many thoughtful letters and tweets from people I don't even know. From the person who said reading about our story restored her faith in God to the mom who said that God comforted her through the blog after she miscarried her first baby - you are why I write.  I am further inspired to share our family's testimony as I witness how our loss has helped others.

It has been a year and we have an exciting journey ahead. Thank you for sticking around. God bless.

Toy Expo Philippines 2012

Toy Kingdom's first ever Toy Expo is currently being held at the SMX until Sunday, August 26, 2012.  Dens and i decided to bring the kids tonight (Friday) to avoid the weekend rush. We were surprised to see that there were very few shoppers. In fact, we had to check with the guards before entering the parking if the expo was cancelled. I'm not sure if there was lack of advertisement or if it was because of the rainy weather, but i hope more people would visit over the weekend.

The team has truly put a lot of hardwork in making the place look incredible. There were a ton of photo opportunities and the kids loved all the activity centers in each booth. Most toys are on 10% to 20% off so the discount was not 'nakakapanic'. But nevertheless, if you're looking to buy some toys for gifts or for your own child, this is the perfect time.
We were greeted by Optimus Prime upon entering
Dawn watching cartoon at the Lalaloopsy booth
We found the Avengers at the Marvel booth 
Entrance to the lovely Hello Kitty house
Troy played a game at the Nickelodeon booth
Go Troy!
We finally found Donatello! 
Mega creation by Mega Blocks
Little Tikes 
And there's Incredible Hulk 
More 'star sightings'
Marvel booth 
Thomas the Train
You can try your hand at target shooting at the Nerf Booth 
Lego Land
Baby Alive party!
Dawn enjoyed feeding the babies

Listening intently to some Sesame Street product demo
Giant inflatable SpongeBob
PlayDoh activity area
It was a fun-filled evening. We got there around 7pm and stayed until closing time at 10pm. Troy told me out of the blue 'mommy, i'm so happy' :) Both of them didn't buy a single toy but enjoyed all the activity centers. It was one giant playground for them.
We went home with two exhausted but happy kids at the backseat of our car. What a great way to spend our Friday evening.

If you're up for some fun kiddie activity, do visit the Toy Kingdom's Toy Fair at the SMX this weekend. Oh, did i mention that entrance is free?

Dawn's Little Big Brother

A few days ago, our family went on a day trip to swim in one of the country clubs near the south area. Dawn was running around following her ahia (older brother) wherever he went.
After much running, Dawn tripped and fell. She immediately looked up and held her knees saying 'Ouchy!'...but before i can get to her, Troy immediately went to check on his sister's knees.  It was a proud mommy moment and i'm glad i was carrying my camera at that time.
May you always love and care for each other. You're a good ahia, Troy. You make us proud.

Fresh Milk Delivered to Your Doorstep!

After weaning from breastmilk at 20 months, my son immediately moved to drinking fresh milk everyday. At 4 years old, he can finish about 5 to 6 tetra packs (9oz) of fresh milk a day. Given the sheer volume of milk that he consumes, i have been contemplating on ordering fresh milk (not the tetra packed kind) for a while now but never really acted on it.

During a recent luncheon, i was introduced by lifestyle blogger, Rowena, to a fresh milk delivery company. I did not waste any more time and immediately searched for them online and ordered that same day.

The company that produces the milk is Batangas Agribusiness Center.  They supply to some of the biggest coffee houses and food chains in Metro Manila plus a number of residences. The good news is that you can now contact their Manila delivery arm and have the fresh milk delivered straight to your doorstep!

They have whole milk, non-fat milk, and chocolate milk. They also have some non-dairy products that you can order such as juices and bread. Check out their Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/Milkman888 for the complete product listing.

Fresh milk tastes more creamy than tetra-packed milk. I haven't tried the other variants but i heard that the non-fat milk tastes more watered-down.  It makes sense since the fat has already been reduced so i guess it would be less creamy.

At the moment, it will not fully replace our tetra-packed milk which is very convenient to bring when we're out. But at least a big part of my son's milk consumption will be fresh milk.

Call them now at 0927-8335000 to place your orders. A 2-liter jug costs P180 and you only need to order a minimum of 4-liters (2 jugs of 2-liters) for them to deliver. It is not advisable to order too much since fresh milk spoils easily (around 4 to 5 days only).

It's time to go back to basics. Taste the difference.

Sta Elena Fun Farm

One cool Sunday afternoon, our family decided to skip the malls and enjoy the outdoors. I remembered reading about the Sta Elena Fun Farm and thought it would be nice to change of environment for the kids.

So after lunch, we loaded the kids into their car seats and started our drive to Cabuyao, Laguna.
The animal farm is located within the Sta Elena Property which also houses the famous Sta Elena Golf & Country Club.  Traffic was quite good so we got there in a little less than 30 minutes.

The farm is pretty small and you'd be able to see and experience everything leisurely in about 2 hours. But it was definitely an activity-packed and very educational 2 hours for us.

Let our pictures tell you the story...
Herd of sheep resting by the picnic tables
Dawn went inside the rabbit pen and enjoyed feeing the little bunnies.
There were also hungry little Guinea Pigs to feed and Troy made sure they were not forgotten.
From the little animals to the big ones, Troy got to interact with all of them
Yes, we even got to feed Choc-nut, the Carabao
The tour around the farm in the Carabao-driven carriage was a first for all of us
Dawn and i got the ride Mr. Choc-nut.  It was a little bit scary when the Carabao started to walk. I felt like i was going to fall. But this little girl has no fear and didn't want to go down. Dawn called him 'Horsie' :) 
And of course we couldn't skip Troy's favorite activity 
My sister was up for a different kind of adventure. Can you cross those ropes to the other side?
We got to try our hand at fishing...
...while my mom and Dawn chased these little duckies around
My sister caught a baby Tilapia!
You'd have to throw back everything you catch. He was too small to eat for dinner anyway :)
Troy enjoyed learning how to paddle a boat (he didn't know Manong at the back was doing the actual work)
My dad at the registration table.  Can i just say they have the friendliest staff ever! 
As we were about to leave, a herd of cows came marching along the road
Isn't that spotted cow so 'imported'?

And speaking of imported...the soap in the bathroom made all the roughing-it-in-the-farm feel classy (read: soshal). Nothing less than L'Occitane Liquid Soap!

Do visit the Fun Farm if you haven't yet. Don't expect a fancy commercial zoo because that is totally not what it is. It's about experiencing the actual farm life and learning fun things.

A visit costs P300 per head for both kids and adults. My 1-year old daughter got in for free so i think infants and toddlers may still be free of charge. I think the price is very reasonable considering it's all-inclusive (feeds for animal, horse and carabao rides, boating, fishing).

You should call Jocelyn (+63939 8032499) to set an appointment before going to ensure they can prepare all the animals for your arrival. They are open everyday (Mon-Sun, including holidays) from morning until 5pm.


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