Caudalie Divine Oil and Hand & Nail Cream (Part 3 of 3) + Giveaway

For part 3 of my Caudalie saga, i'd like to share with you a video of founders Bertrand and Mathilde Thomas who talks about the different patented ingredients of Caudalie.

Side note: i love they way they look at each other in the video each time the other person talks. It has the look of love and respect. Maybe the French are really always in love, eh? Watch and see what i mean.
After giving my reviews of the cleansers, serums and moisturizers, i'd like to share with you the Caudalie body treatments that i have been using.

1. Divine Oil

I have a friend back in high school who was so diligent in putting body lotion everyday. I must admit her skin was exceptionally soft and i desired the same. The thing is, the feel of a heavy lotion is not so enticing in our tropical climate.  I don't like the heavy/sticky feeling of most lotions so i am not as excited to use them as regularly as i should.

Then i found Divine Oil.  I've tried a couple of dry oil moisturizers in the past and my long-time favorite was the Neutrogena Body Oil. I decided to swtich to Caudalie because i like that it has the healing properties of grape and argan oils. It also contains the patented anti-oxidant Polyphenols which is a great addition to its moisturizing properties.

I use it on damp skin after i take a bath. They are sold in a spray bottle so it's very easy to apply and re-apply without getting your hands oily. It's also good to use on hair (as you would some argan oil serums) after a bath.

Photo from Caudalie's website
 2. Caudalie Hand & Nail Cream

My current addiction is the Hand & Nail cream. Its main ingredients are Shea Butter and Grape Seed Oil. It absorbs really and it smels so nice. I have a tube in my bag and i like that i can use it anytime without the fear of getting my hands all sticky and oily.
This is the 3rd and (so far) last installment on my Caudalie series. Do join the ongoing giveaway and get a chance to win their bestselling Caudalie Foaming Facial Wash here.

Living the Dream

I had a dream.

As a child, there are two things that i have always loved.  Writing and dancing. Through the years,  it has taken a backseat and would only show up once in a while but never permanently.  The past years have made me realize that life is to short to procrastinate.

On Writing...

I started writing at a very young age.  When i was 10 years old, I'd write in my diary almost every night.  Stories were recorded and locked safely with this little key hidden in a secret drawer in my room.  I remember writing my own pocketbooks back in high school.  I was able to finish writing three [note]books from cover to cover and had my cousin edit them for me.  I wanted to take up journalism as a college degree but never really pushed through for various reasons.  In 2006, i started writing in my personal multiply site about my journey as a mom. In 2011, i decided to write again and this time in a public blog. This is where i am now. Sharing my thoughts and experiences on this blog. Somehow living my writing dream.

On Dancing...

Ever since i was little, i had a passion for dancing. I love to dance. I have enrolled in various dance schools - from ballet to street dancing.  Though my skills are far from exceptional,  dancing has always made me feel happy.  I've dreamed of becoming a ballet dancer ever since i was a child. My mom enrolled me in a summer program when i was about 5 years old and I just fell in love with it.  However, since my mom was concerned that continuous ballet would ruin my feet, that dream had to be set aside. After graduating from college, i wanted to enroll in ballet school once again. Enrolling in ballet meant not being able to work at all since the schedule was very rigid. I felt that it was not the most responsible thing to do at that time so i decided to join the corporate bandwagon instead.

15 years and two kids later, i wondered if i will be able to pursue my love for dancing. Then i thought, if i don't do anything now, i may never really be able to do it anymore. I am very well in my 30s and some people have asked me 'Why now?'...well, i thought to myself 'If not now, then when?' Today is the youngest i will ever be.

I had a dream. And after over 30 years, i am now on my way to living the dream. In a few hours, i will be putting on my pink ballet shoes and dancing to my heart's content. Life is too short to waste another day just dreaming. It's time to step up and make your dreams come true. I just did.

Caudalie Serums and Creams (Part 2 of 3) plus a Giveaway

Bertrand and Mathilde Thomas (founders of Caudalie)
Photo from Caudlie's website
 On the first part of my Caudalie story, i shared the different cleansers that i've used. Now, i'd like to share the wonderful serums and moisturizers that i've tried the past years.

1. Vinoperfect Radiance Serum

I've had freckles for as long as i can remember. Anything that claims to lighten them is a hit in my book.  The Vinoperfect Radiance Serum is an oil-free formula that corrects dark spots and brightens complexions. It contains the patented Viniferine ingredient and claims to be 62 x more effective than Vitamin C.

It absorbs really well onto the skin. I used it twice a day after cleaning my face. This serum should be used underneath your moisturzier.

I only used one bottle before i switched the Premier Cru line (read about it below) so I don't know if it will completely erase my dark spots with continued use. I did notice a brightening effect and it felt realy nice on the skin once i applied it.
2. Premier Cru The Cream

This is the most potent serum + moisturizer product of Caudalie. It's called Premier Cru because it is known the be the Cream of the Crop. It has all the active ingredients of the other Caudalie products [Resveratrol to lift and firm, Viniferine to correct dark spots and brighten, and anti-oxidant rich grape-seed Polyphenols].

It is a wonderful moisturizer and i use it daily before going to bed. I don't use any other serum anymore (which is why i stopped using the Vinoperfect Radiance Serum). For younger skin with isolated issues like dark spots or signs of wrinkles, you will save money by buying the separate serums and just use a regular moisturizer. The Premier Cru is quite expensive but i found it to be very effective on my skin.
Photo from Caudalie's website
3. Premier Cru the Eye Cream

Aside from the Premier Cru, i also use it's matching eye cream that claims the same benefits but is specifically formulated for the delicate eye area.

I am on my second bottle and have been really happy with the results. I noticed less crows feet and undereye wrinkles in less than 6 months.
Learn more about the formulation of the Premier Cru line by watching the video below.

My Caudalie contest is ongoing. Join now and get a chance to win a bottle of Caudalie's foaming cleanser worth P1,200.

2 simple steps:
(1) Like the Breakfast with Tiffany Facebook page (
(2) Follow me on Twitter (@densfan)

Please log-in through the Rafflecopter widget below.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Remembering 2006
They say 7th birthdays are special. I wonder why. 

Exactly this day Seven years ago, i was walking around the Mall of Asia trying to induce my 41-week old pregnant belly. The crib has been set up in our room, the new baby clothes washed and folded inside the white plastic drawers. My parents monitored their phones for that text or call from me to say 'I'm in labor!'. Their first grandchild was going to be born anytime soon. I remember the cool breeze as Dens and i walked around the bay area. Talking about our dreams for the little one that was going to change our lives forever.

Then my contractions started. We made the text announcements to our family as we excitedly drove home. My mom met us at home and we went to the hospital together. Twelve hours of painless labor later, i only dilated to 7cm. Baby's heartrate was dropping so we had to do an emergency c-section. When Tyler came out, i caught a glimpse of him.  He did not cry. He weighed only 4 pounds and 13 ouces. Such a tiny fighter. My mom knew something was wrong. I didn't. Then I fell asleep in the operating room.

Dens and my dad were waiting for the good news outside the operating room. My mom gave my dad a call on his mobile phone and he told Dens that there seems to be something wrong with Tyler. Dens said he felt weak in the knees.  My Dad and Dens stool still, trying to absorb the unexpected news.

A few days later, they shared the news to me. Two short months later, we lost Tyler.

Tomorrow is October 6. Seven years after our first child was born. They say 7th birthdays are special. Yes, that's true.  But to me, 7th birthdays are just as special as the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and beyond.  Every year spent with your love one is another year to celebrate. 

On Sunday, i will wake up and embrace my two children a little tighter. Lie in bed with them a little longer. I will bask in the moment and remember it forever. Cause life is too short to miss a day. Cherish your blessings. Let go of past hurts. Enjoy the gift that is today.

God bless.

My Caudalie Love Story (Part 1 of 3) and a Giveaway!

I first heard about Caudalie from a Parisian colleague whom i met in New York during a business trip back in 2008. She was sharing her love for Caudalie and everything natural/organic and i became curious. I started looking for Caudalie here in the Philippines to no avail. I was finally able to purchase a few of their products from Sephora in the US.  After my first encounter with the product, i became a believer.

Since then, i have tried more and more of their products and each one did not disappoint. Check out the video below for a message from the founder of Caudalie.
Now before i tell you about my mini contest, I'd like to share with you some of the Caudalie products on my shelf right now.

1. Caudalie Make-Up Remover & Cleansing Water

Since February of this year, i have began a radical change in my cleansing routine. I have stopped using tap water on my face. Yep, you read that right. I try to avoid getting my face wet when taking a bath and I don't wash my face anymore at night.

Instead, i have been using Micellar Water to remove make-up, clean and tone my face. Micellar Water is basically a solution consists of a dispersion of Micelles. What is Micelles, you might ask. Well, it can get very technical so please read about it here if you'd like to know more.  In beauty terms, i actually use the water as a make-up remover, cleanser, water and toner. I just soak the solution in a cotton pad and wipe my face with it as one would with a toner. It's very satisfying to see all the dirt come off until your cotton pads wipe clean.

Tap water hasn't touched my face for over seven months now except when i go swimming. It has been very effective and i didn't break out at all.
I have two sizes of the Cleansing water at home. One big bottle which i use at home and another one that i bring around to freshen up during the day. If you are still anxioius about going sans tap water, i suggest you use this as a toner after your regular cleanser. It makes your skin feel very clean and soft. None of those tight, squeaky clean feeling of a harsh facial wash.
2.  Caudalie Foaming Cleanser

This was the first ever Caudalie product that i fell in love with. This was, of course, before i discovered the Cleansing Water and stopped using tap all together. I love how gentle this cleanser feels on the skin. It pumps out foam and does not strip the skin of its natural oils.

My husband who is not particular about his cleansers even requested me to purchase this again. I was surprised and said 'i thought you don't really care about the brand of your facial wash'. And he said there's something about it that felt really different. He said his skin felt softer and he likes the subtle grapeseed scent (yes, bekki levelz lang ang comment).

It's very gentle yet effective in removing oil and make-up. I've used it for over 5 years and it has always been successful at removing the most stubborn waterproof make-up.

3. Beauty Elixir

The Beauty Elixir is one of Caudalie's bestselling products. Think Evian, only better. This product was inspired by Queen Isabelle of Hungary's elixir of youth. It claims to smooth away fine lines, tighten pores and give the skin a natural glow.

I've finished four bottles already and am on my fifth one. I spray it on my face after my cleansing routine and any time i need to refresh myself during the day. I love the scent of Grape, Orange blossom, Rose, Balm mint, and Rosemary.  It smells very relaxing - it's essentially a spa in a bottle. Seriously, try it.
Now for my promised giveaway. I will be giving away one 100ml bottle of the Caudalie Foaming Cleanser. I costs over P1,200 (coverted from USD) and is not available locally yet. The mechanics is very simple.

(1) Like the Breakfast with Tiffany Facebook page (
(2) Follow me on Twitter (@densfan)

Please use the rafflecopter widget below.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
And that's it! :) The contest will run for a month and will end on November 2. I will announce the winner during the first week of November. Please note that this contest is open to Metro Manila residents only.

Japan: Land of the Vending Machines

Over a month ago, i found myself in Tokyo for another business trip. I forced surprised Dens by booking him a free trip using our travel miles. 

Upong reaching the airport, you'd notice a lot of vending machines lined up. From drinks to candy bars and what-nots. On our first night, Dens and i wanted to try something extraordinary. We walked around Shibuya and saw this little restaurant with a nice vending machine inside. We got curious so we decided to give it a try.
The buttons on the machine contained pictures of the food plus the price so it was a no-brainer for non-Japanese speakers like us. 
You basically insert your money (bills or coins), turn the knob and press the button of your desired order...
...and viola! Out comes a ticket with your order and the price. It's a 2-part ticket with perforation in the middle. You just give the entire thing to the waiter and they will give back one part to you. That will serve as your receipt. 
The place is good for individual diners since they have a bar-type set-up. In other words, you won't look kawawa if you are eating by youself.
 My shrimp tokatsu plate! It did look like the picture on the vending machine. Yay!
Dens had Oyakudon. The servings were big so we decided to just bring home the left-over.  It was so good that i was already craving for more by 11pm.  I ate all of our leftover before going to bed. (sorry, unhealthy eating habits!)
Try it when you find yourself in Tokyo.  This type of restaurant is pretty common around the city. We saw a lot of it in Shibuya during our visit.

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